Latest Releases

Northern Lights in HIs Eyes

When Garvin Haverton lost his husband, he lost himself. Unable to bear the reminders of their love, he left his friends in Los Angeles for the remote Alaskan wilderness, cut ties with his old life, and started over. Model William Moreau has let Garvin hide for long enough. He misses his friendship, and he has to know if the spark he felt between them could ignite the love of a lifetime. So he packs a bag, books a flight, rents a car… and almost gets himself killed in a blizzard. When William shows up half-frozen, Garvin is furious. Unlike William, … Continued

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Throuple Next Door

Austin knew change was inevitable, but he hadn’t counted on just how difficult it was going to be… for all of them. He, Weaver, and Randy have been together for two amazingly hot years, and then with a single decision, everything is different. When Randy receives an offer on his gyms in Brooklyn, he jumps at it and switches careers with a teaching job in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Weaver is also interested in making a change after nearly burning himself out as a lawyer. With both of his passionate partners needing something new and Austin’s modeling career cooling as he ages, … Continued

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Second chances only happen in the movies… right? For the past several years, Matthew’s life has been one challenge after another. Keeping his sister’s four orphaned kids fed, clothed, housed, and entertained has him run ragged. Now he’s losing the kids’ mentor and maybe his job, if the plant where he works as an electrician shuts down like the rumors say. When his car won’t start outside the hospital, it’s the last thing he needs. Matthew could use a hero… so of course that’s when Lucas Reardon shows up again. A-list actor Lucas Reardon returned to his Michigan hometown to … Continued

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Head Over Heels

It took a family loss to draw artist Leddy Finster away from his retreat in the woods of rural Wisconsin back to the family home in Carlisle. Originally intending to help clean out his father’s condo and return to the peace and quiet his work requires, he doesn’t expect old feelings for his brother’s best friend to bloom again after all this time. Nor could he ever have expected his father’s obsession with shoes… lots of shoes. Professional hockey player Johan Weiss spends his summers in Carlisle, where he grew up. As a favor, he agrees to help Leddy clean … Continued

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Fire and Hail

Brock Ferguson knew he might run into his ex-boyfriend, Vincent Geraldini, when he took his first job as a police officer in Carlisle. Vincent’s attitude during a routine traffic stop reminds Brock why their relationship didn’t last. What Brock doesn’t expect is finding two scared children in the trunk of a Corvette. He’s also surprised to learn the kids’ mother is Vincent’s sister. But his immediate concern is the safety of the two children, Abey and Penny, and he offers to comfort and care for them when their mother is taken into custody. Vincent is also shocked to learn what … Continued

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Love Comes Unheard

Garrett Bowman is shocked that fate has brought him to a family who can sign. He’s spent much of his life on the outside looking in, even within his biological family, and to be accepted and employed is more than he could have hoped for. With Connor, who’s included him in his family, Garrett has found a true friend, but with the distant Brit Wilson Haskins, Garrett may have found something more. In no time, Garrett gets under Wilson’s skin and finds his way into Wilson’s heart, and over shared turbulent family histories, Wilson and Garrett form a strong bond.

Wilson’s especially impressed with the way Garrett’s so helpful to Janey, Connor and Dan’s daughter, who is also deaf. When Wilson’s past shows up in the form of his brother Reggie, bringing unscrupulous people to whom Reggie owes money, life begins to unravel. These thugs don’t care how they get their money, what they have to do, or who they might hurt. Without the strength of love and the bonds of family and friends, Garrett and Wilson could pay the ultimate price.

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Heat Under Fire

Heat Under Fire

Justin Briggs can shout out directions all day on his job as a traffic cop, but put him in front of a hot guy, specifically firefighter Rock Sparks, and he clams up.

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Fireman’s Rescue – (Heroes in Helmets Book 2)

The last thing Dash Wheaton expects when his home goes up in flames is to catch his firefighter rescuer’s heart. When computer security expert Dash wakes to his house on fire, he manages to escape, but realizes his dog, Taffy, is still inside. Heartbroken, he watches everything he has burn, worrying about Taffy, until a firefighter hero shows up with her, covered in soot. With his home gone and no place to go, Dash does his best to find shelter. Firefighter Stone Jacobs lives for his job, and his life is ordered just the way he likes it. So when … Continued

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My Latest Blog Posts

Love in Northern California

      Mendocino California area, a gorgeous place on California’s north shore. The coast is rugged with cliffs and go nearly straight down a hundred feet. The waves crash over broken pieces of land the waves have worn away. Chasing Safe Harbor, Rugged Coast Book 1, releases August 15. Experience the men and the place they call home for yourself. The last thing DEA contractor Thorsen Magnus wanted was an assignment that brings him back to where he grew up, a small town four hours north of San Francisco. He left years ago to get away from his intolerant … Continued

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I Love a Hot Firemen

Like many of you, I love a hot fireman, especially one with a gentle heart under his rugged exterior.  With that in mind, I wrote Fireman’s Cary.  We all know that firemen carry people out of burning buildings, but sometimes it’s the fireman who needs to be carried, even if it’s only in spirit.  Fireman’s Carry is releasing April 18 and is self-published.       Orphaned as a child, Jordan Kramer is a 28-year-old loner who lives for his work as a firefighter. It’s who he is. But his life changes when, on his way home from a fire, … Continued

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Everyone Has a Superpower

I really believe that everyone has some sort of superpower.  The thing is that sometimes it just takes us a while to find it and some of us are still looking.  While for some of us, our superpower is right under our noses the entire time.  I also believe that a lot of the time, we don’t recognize our own superpower, but others do.  Among other things, The Doctor’s Desire is about one man’s journey to his superpower.  I really hope you enjoy.     General practitioner Dustin Avarilla has been on the job for a few years—long enough to … Continued

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Second Chance Later in Life

My husband and I have been married for over 25 years and I can say with certainty that no relationship is perfect or stays the same.  Time, familiarity, age, complacency sometimes distance, work, all take their toll on a relationship, wearing it down like the sea pounding a rock.  It can’t help but be affected.    I know this firsthand because Dominic and my relationship has changed as well.  But after so many years, its easy to fall into a rut and to take the other for granted. That is why I wrote Second Go Round.  I wanted to show … Continued

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