Guest: How to Drink Like a Champion by Brianna Kienitz

  How to Drink Like a Champion A foxy fox and a T-rex walk into a gay bar. It’s not a joke, it’s Off Pitch. Well, it is hilarious, but I don’t want to give too much away and spoil the fun for you. Suffice to say that Adeline Fahey’s 21st birthday is a night she may or may not remember forever. I named a couple of the drinks she enjoyed along the way, and have since had numerous requests from beta readers to share the recipes for them. Without further ado, and here to wet your whistle, I give … Continued

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#ThrowbackThursday Book Blitz: Drawn Together by ZA Maxfield

Five things you might not know about Drawn Together:   I had absolutely no idea there was ever a television show by the same name. At one point a friend of mine said if you want to write, stop watching television. I tried it. Didn’t watch so much as a commercial for several years! I have mentioned this, but the entire story of Drawn Together came to me while I waited in Line for Anime Expo in Long Beach. Yamane is one of my favorite characters. He’s a little magical. I would not write this book today. It’s problematic for … Continued

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Alot Happens Between Loathing and Love

When I started writing this story I didn’t know exactly what I was getting myself in for.  I asked myself what would happen if the person who quashed my high school dreams came into my life later in life and I had the power to make their dreams come true.  Would I use that power for good or for evil?  If it was in the course of my job, would I stand up and do my job, or take the weasel way out?  These were all things I got to explore with his book and I’d like to think I’m … Continued

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