Pain Enters the Picture

I am currently over 50 and I have led a rather active life.  Dominic and I have hiked 3 miles to a castle in Europe and thought nothing of it.  We spent days walking in the woods, bicycling, and just plain going.  I worked out for years and spent hours and walked miles on treadmills.  At one time I could squat, press, and lift hundreds of pounds.  I like being active.  These last few weeks I have ben in pain.  My doctor is a little stumped as am I.  I got a backache at GRL and it hasn’t stopped since.  … Continued

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Alot Happens Between Loathing and Love

When I started writing this story I didn’t know exactly what I was getting myself in for.  I asked myself what would happen if the person who quashed my high school dreams came into my life later in life and I had the power to make their dreams come true.  Would I use that power for good or for evil?  If it was in the course of my job, would I stand up and do my job, or take the weasel way out?  These were all things I got to explore with his book and I’d like to think I’m … Continued

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Release Day – The Gift

Sometimes gifts are unexpected and sometimes they come at you from out of the blue and knock you over.  Those are the ones you don’t see coming.  In The gift, neither character is looking for love or expects to find it in any way.  They both have issue, either inherited or based upon the decisions they made in life, that make them feel as though love, true love  (The Princess Bride just flashed in my mind) is not something that is in the cards for them.  This story was difficult to write  the premise put a lot of restrictions on what I … Continued

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