Beautiful Inspiration

Last June, Dominic and I went to Italy as part of a signing excursion. In addition to singing books, he and I had the time of our lives and saw some amazing sights. It was those experiences that inspired Over and Back which releases April 9. Opposites attract on an overseas holiday, but trouble has hitched a ride. While Bronco’s nightclub is closed for renovations, the owners invite the staff on a trip to Italy. Bartender Hank needs a roommate, and he’s had his eye on waiter Grant for a while, even if he’s had to keep his distance. But … Continued

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Over and Back

Over and Back releases April 9 and its the fifth in the Bronco’s Boys series. The idea for this story started last summer when Dominic and I were on the train from Rome to Florence. Dominic turned to me and said, “you know, you should bring Bull and the boys here.” At the time I didn’t think anything of it. I was writing another story and those characters were in my head. I have to say when my husband is right, he’s right. A few months later his suggestion stuck in my head and I wrote Over and Back. This … Continued

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Rebound releases on February 12 and I wanted to share a sneak peek excerpt and share just a little about this story. Rebound didn’t start the way a lot of my stories do. I had a vague of the overall story. But it really started with the character’s names. I am not going to give away anything but Obie and Bri began with just their names and then they quickly filled in. Both men’s bold personalities came forward almost immediately and a story that I loved to write was born. I know I say that about each story, but some … Continued

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You Can Teach and Old Dog New Tricks

I can’t try to tell you the number of times that I have gotten requests for stories with older, more mature characters.  Many romances contain stories of young guys trying to find their way in the world.  That is a very valid subject because  learning who you are and accepting that you’re different is part of being gay.  But sometimes its nice to break form that and take a journey with someone that life has put through its wash machine and is just trying to figure a way forward.   In this case we have a successful man who desperately … Continued

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Behind the Scenes – Fire and Agate

I have to let you in on a little secret.  There is a real story behind Fire and Agate.  A friend of mine is a social worker here in Carlisle and this spring, she helped with the care, housing, and eventual relocation back to their families of 20 women who had been trafficked into this country.  I will say that they were even more traumatized than I made Pavle in the story.  But I didn’t want to make Fire and Agate too dark. When my friend told me the story of some of these women I got so angry.  I … Continued

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Welcome to Autumn

Its September and I always love this time of year. The heat of summer abates with cooler nights.  I love being able to sleep with the windows open.  Fall is also the start of what I like to call cuddle season.  All summer its too hot, so Dominic and I tend to sleep on our own sides of the bed.  But with the coming of fall, I start to get colder at night and slide closer to Dominic.  Often during the night I end up pressed right against him. Of course as the season wears on, mother nature brings out … Continued

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Saying Goodbye to My Mom

As many of you know, I lost my mom about a month ago and late last month we held a memorial service.  How do you say goodbye to decades of love and care. I tried to put all that in words and I thought I’d share what I wrote. In trying to prepare what I wanted to say, I ended up staring at my computer screen because nothing came. I wrote the words “Mom was.” And that was all that came and I didn’t know what to say. That’s bad… really bad because words are my life. I write thousands … Continued

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Introducing Andy Bear

At RT, I received a Dreamspinner Teddy Bear.  I have named him Andy Bear and he’s quite adventurous.  So I decided that he’s going to accompany me for a while.  While we were in Reno, he picked up a friend, Lizzy and they came home with me.  Almost immediately, the two of them got into trouble.  Here are some pictures of their antics. Andy first met Lizzie when she was with her owner Elizabeth North.  Then he met Dirk Caber and Dirk tickled Andy’s fancy.  On the way home, Andy Bear and Lizzy… well the little scamps decided to join … Continued

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My Mother – Happy Mother’s Day – Okay, I’m a Little Late

I know its the day after Mother’s Day, but I’ve been thinking about my mom a lot lately.  I posted about her on Facebook yesterday and I don’t think it was enough.  Currently my mother is in a nursing home.  A stroke left her unable to use her left arm and leg.  That same stroke also altered her personality and left her impatient, angry, and saying anything that comes to her.  Its not a pretty picture.  Because of distance, I will see my mom today.   What I really want to do is remember my mom for who she was.  … Continued

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Fire and Agate – What I’m working on now!

I thought I would give you all a little sneak peek into my work in progress.  I’m currently working on Fire and Agate, the third story in the Carlisle Deputies series.  The second, Fire and Granite will release in July. This is the very opening of the book.  I’d love to know what you think.     Chapter 1 “Chris,” Briggs said as he stalked into the locker room like a man on a mission. His gaze was hard and his posture as rigid as a two by four. Anger and discontent rolled off him in waves the way they … Continued

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